Alien Races

5 May 1995

Subject: Alien Races.

While reading the book called "UFO, From Venus I Came" by Omnec. Once some statements were made about different civilizations, races here on Earth and where these races came from.

Here's a quote from her book, "I must advice you not all UFOs that are seen by people on earth are from our Brotherhood of Planets, or even from our solar system. Some are actually astral lights and interdimensional entities, and some are unknown to us. Some come from great distances. The whole picture is very complex, but there have been a great number of landings and contacts by our people."

A black race evolved in the Jupiter system. These are the tall, royal looking people, with broad faces and square jaws. Their hair is deep glistening black and their eyes are purple to violet. The Jupiterians are also known for their beautiful voices and open sharing nature of being. Descendants are in Africa and other parts of the world. (I've also found that a race of black people know a lot about Sirius the dog star and speak of a double star that rotates in a cycle of about 50 years.)

You might wonder how Omnec's life was here on Earth after she came from Venus to live here. She didn't tell anyone that she was from Venus until she grew up. In the Earth families that raised her, her stepfathers were dire punishment she had to learn to endure. One raped her when she was fourteen and the second at sixteen, while holding a loaded gun to her head. She didn't feel too bold or heroic in trying to resist because he had already shot her in the arm and she didn't feel it was time to die.

Omnec was also brought up in a very strict atmosphere of a church where one of the young men rose to prominence, Elvis Presley.

I'll leave you with this saying; You can go through more trials and tribulations on this Earth in one lifetime than you can on a utopian type planet in 1,000 years. That's all for now, John F. Winston.

Original file name: 95.05.05 Alien Races

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